Demontreville Retreat with Steve and Dad


Dad, Steve and I completed our annual retreat at Demontreville Jesuit Retreat House in Lake Elmo.   A beautiful setting by the lake and a chance to start the school year off right by stepping away to process all that God has done over the course of the last year and where He is leading me as I mourn leaving Holy Angels and head into the adventure of my new role as Assistant Principal at BSM. What a blessing to be together.

The Retreat is based off the Ignatian 30 day silent retreat (tried to do it one time in California but only lasted 8 days!).  This is a very doable Thursday night to Sunday night and follows the same pattern each year which allows you to enter in and become more and more comfortable with the reflection each time we return.

If you have any interest, shoot me an email.  There are usually men of all ages (some starting at 18 years old!).  It is especially good for those in education - a group of Holy Angels teachers and associates have been going for years to prepare for the upcoming school year.


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