Feast of St. Vincent de Paul - Sept 27th
This is the type of statue that stood at the end of the hallway on second floor at St. Vincent's School. As a student at the time because it was always just 'there' I never thought much about it. As time passes, however, it has come to sear itself in my memory and I find so much meaning and value in the image.
The trust the two children exhibit as they lean in to be close to the figure of Vincent and the generosity of the saint, who as a man of great poverty, shares the warmth of his cloak, which symbolizes all he possesses, are for me a reminder of the love that was shown to me at St. Vincent's School. It also calls me to the responsibility I have as a Catholic school administrator to help students receive the love and direction they deserve while doing my best to share my all with them.
St. Vincent de Paul ... pray for us.
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